I'm back. . . .
Wow don't i suck I start a new blog & I update that even less than the one I have had for a while now. Lets see I went up North and visited some old friends.

I could be a little off but I am pretty sure we were drinking. . .allot! There were other camera phone pics but I have no idea where they ended up. Honestly, I am not sure I want to know. Lets face it I am not looking so cute or so sober in this pic. By the way in case they think they got off without being associated with my drunk ass not picture are the Lovely Lainey & The Darling Rebecca.
I have not only been a bad blogger I have been a pretty crap friend. I up until recently had fallen off the face of the earth. I have not returned phone calls or text messages to new friends like Amy nor have I been all that supportive of friends I have had for what seems like forever. To those of you like the Working Girl, T & Mo that don't have blogs whose phone calls went unreturned I am sorry. It's not you; It's me. I suck!
My life kinda of exploded ending with a huge dog show that I was running that was held on Friday, June 2nd. Luckily it is over, now I can breathe just a little bit.
I have embraced singledom once again but am still dabbling with the eharmony thing. At this point that is more like a source of comedy in my life. Honestly if I cant get thru your profile without running from the room screaming how am I supposed to have dinner with you?
In the meantime there are always arrangements. . .THANK GOD!!

I could be a little off but I am pretty sure we were drinking. . .allot! There were other camera phone pics but I have no idea where they ended up. Honestly, I am not sure I want to know. Lets face it I am not looking so cute or so sober in this pic. By the way in case they think they got off without being associated with my drunk ass not picture are the Lovely Lainey & The Darling Rebecca.
I have not only been a bad blogger I have been a pretty crap friend. I up until recently had fallen off the face of the earth. I have not returned phone calls or text messages to new friends like Amy nor have I been all that supportive of friends I have had for what seems like forever. To those of you like the Working Girl, T & Mo that don't have blogs whose phone calls went unreturned I am sorry. It's not you; It's me. I suck!
My life kinda of exploded ending with a huge dog show that I was running that was held on Friday, June 2nd. Luckily it is over, now I can breathe just a little bit.
I have embraced singledom once again but am still dabbling with the eharmony thing. At this point that is more like a source of comedy in my life. Honestly if I cant get thru your profile without running from the room screaming how am I supposed to have dinner with you?
In the meantime there are always arrangements. . .THANK GOD!!
arrangements are the best. Ahhh, still basking in the glow of mine last night.
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