Rain rain go away
and don't freaking come back!! Seriously. Here in New England it has been cold & rainy for days, weeks really. I hate the cold and I hate the rain more. Don't go giving me some Mommy sunshine & roses speech about how hate is a strong word. So is fuck & I fucking hate the cold & the rain.
Aside from the obvious reasons like I have a closet full of spring & summer skirts & capris I could be wearing. Or my favorite the arthritis in my shoulder is so aggravated I can hardly brush my hair. My hair which lets face it in this weather rivals Cousin Its hair for lack of style. There is this one big one. . .this weather makes me feel lonely.
Save me the you never alone crapola too. I know I have GREAT friends. Actually most of them are pretty terrific even if I suck and don't call as often as I should and am even worse with email. They are always there the second I need them. Some of them seem to know I need them around before I do.
They call at precisely the right moment or send a text message that makes me laugh so hard I pee my pants. And the emails!! At the moment E owes a rather large telecom company no fewer that 15 computer monitors. You see she sends me these emails that make me laugh so hard I have to spit out whatever I may be drinking. ALL OVER MY COMPUTER MONITOR!!!
I have a few friends with benefits; arrangements if you will that in another life could be that person. But this is not another life it is this one and well lets just say it is what it is. We care about one another but when push comes to shove we both recognize things will never be more than they are and that is OK by me.
So although I am not alone I am lonely. This weather makes me want to curl up in bed with someone other than my dog. Lets face it Creep snores, steals the blankets & pushes me out of bed. I want someone to wake up next to that reminds me even though the weather is shitty, I have bad hair & nothing to wear I still have something to look forward to when I get home.
He doesn't have to be a sugar daddy or a rock god. He doesn't need to be this drop dead gorgeous hair model either. Don't forget I dated a George Costanza look alike! Actually I think George may have been better looking and he may have been a better person too. He just needs to be here with me.
Aside from the obvious reasons like I have a closet full of spring & summer skirts & capris I could be wearing. Or my favorite the arthritis in my shoulder is so aggravated I can hardly brush my hair. My hair which lets face it in this weather rivals Cousin Its hair for lack of style. There is this one big one. . .this weather makes me feel lonely.
Save me the you never alone crapola too. I know I have GREAT friends. Actually most of them are pretty terrific even if I suck and don't call as often as I should and am even worse with email. They are always there the second I need them. Some of them seem to know I need them around before I do.
They call at precisely the right moment or send a text message that makes me laugh so hard I pee my pants. And the emails!! At the moment E owes a rather large telecom company no fewer that 15 computer monitors. You see she sends me these emails that make me laugh so hard I have to spit out whatever I may be drinking. ALL OVER MY COMPUTER MONITOR!!!
I have a few friends with benefits; arrangements if you will that in another life could be that person. But this is not another life it is this one and well lets just say it is what it is. We care about one another but when push comes to shove we both recognize things will never be more than they are and that is OK by me.
So although I am not alone I am lonely. This weather makes me want to curl up in bed with someone other than my dog. Lets face it Creep snores, steals the blankets & pushes me out of bed. I want someone to wake up next to that reminds me even though the weather is shitty, I have bad hair & nothing to wear I still have something to look forward to when I get home.
He doesn't have to be a sugar daddy or a rock god. He doesn't need to be this drop dead gorgeous hair model either. Don't forget I dated a George Costanza look alike! Actually I think George may have been better looking and he may have been a better person too. He just needs to be here with me.